Arciconfraternita dei Bolognesi in Rome


La Chiesa dei Bolognesi a Roma

Founded in 1576 by Gregory XIII, the Bolognese Pope Ugo Boncompagni, the Arciconfraternita dei Bolognesi in Rome appeared in the historiographical treatises of the 17th century as one of the many Roman confraternities that arose in the aftermath of the Council of Trent, with charitable and devotional purposes. Through them the Roman laity, across social affiliations, organized itself in order to intensify religious life and intervene on the city’s social problems. At the same time, it was an important point of reference for the Bolognese who resided in the city, prelates and officials of the curial and pontifical administration.

The Statute

Article 1
The Arciconfraternita dei Bolognesi in Rome is based in the Church by the same name, in via del Mascherone 61; its main purposes are the liturgical worship and the religious formation of its members through Marian devotion and any appropriate activity of apostolate, ecumenism, and evangelization, according to the Association’s means and ends.